Friday, January 22, 2010

The Haiti Earthquake....

Im sure we all have heard about the haiti situation by now. And to be honest im tired of hearing about it. My heart goes out to every family and person who is either injured or died. Its a sad tragedy but life goes on. Did i donate any money? Yes i did. But to me i feel like people are taking this more important than the hurrican katrina remind you hurricane katrina occured in OUR COUNTRY! People have totally forgot about New Orleans and katrina. We got people going way over there to adopt, pour all their money out , just going all out..And its only a little part of haiti thats destroyed. Im not being selfish but these people didnt really believe in god , there with all that voodoo shit and its totally uncool. Its going to take a while to rebuild Haiti up but each day at a time it will slowly be completed. I was upset that the other people thats in Haiti that havent been affected , isnt helping others out. that dont make any sense. I didnt cry when the situation happened i was just like damnn man and it made me feel bad how things happend so unsuddenly. Pray for Haiti.

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