Monday, June 22, 2009


Soo as of the past 4 weeks ive been stressing about switchings schools or maybe my major. I attend USC (University of Southern California). And i love it dont get it twisted USC has been my all-time fav school for a long time since 8th grade. BUT, im considering UCLA because..they have better programs. Since my parents are paying me to go to college and..paying for it, I have to deal with there LAST say so which is bullshit because they dont live in California! Soo im like wthh how would you know? Its a lil stressful even though im off for the summer. Also the basketball team is weaker than USC soo i might have to back-step a sec to re-think. I want to start my music engineer training soon... =X its not comming fast enough, i was looking at some people who has like (open-studio) where you go for sessions and learn or record YOUR choice, cuz you paying lol. Cali is BIG on music since everyone wants to do a jerking song or two, and want a catchy beat. i can easy produce that. Since i do music and sometimes create my own beats. IDK, you make plenty $$$ with that also.

In addition =O , Me and my (???) gf i guess you can say, where talking but i wouldnt really consider it as a relationship just because our heads arent together i feel like im SHAQ and shes a 5th grader (height wise!)..Like how i would say something and she wont speak up i guess because she dont want to see how i react, thats BS but you knw how girls are (rolls eyes) lol. I'm having hella doubts, like if we should take a break, Talk things over, try it again later, become friends w/ benifits. ughhhhhhhh FUCKKKKKK! iDONT know. HELP ME OUT BLOGGAS!

1 comment:

  1. yeea; im all over the place with school too; im so interested in everything that i dont even know what to major in; but your parents are payin yu; and payin for school??
    so yu shud be happy. i bust my ass to pay for school;
    but; about you MAYBE* gf, i been with someone who made me feel i had to bite my tongue, so its not REALLLY bullshit. it happens.
    im very outspoken, idgaf usually, but wen i said what he didnt wana hear or brought up certain topics he acted some way i didnt like at all; so i stopped.

    --and then we broke up cause i exploded.



my peeps.